We introduce the listing page of Acupuncture Associates of Worcester urbanzencenter, a renowned Health/medical/pharmacy business located at 73 Hamilton St., Worcester, ZIP Code 01604, Massachusetts. This business is a valued contributor of the local community, providing for customers in the Worcester area and beyond.
As a premier Health/medical/pharmacy provider, Acupuncture Associates of Worcester urbanzencenter offers excellent services and products that meet the best standards of quality and customer satisfaction. They are well situated for residents and visitors in the Worcester area, ensuring easy access to their services.
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Kathy Tamilio-Awed MAcOM,Lic.Ac ('89) Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Massage Therapy,Gua Sha,Cupping, Ear candling,Magnetic Non Needle Acup. P-Stim
Family Medicine
Pain, Fertility, Weight Loss
Kathy Tamilio-Awed MAcOM,Lic.Ac ('89)
Holistic Medical Center since 1989
AAOW has joined practices with Weyler Family Wellness, Jennifer Weyler, M.D.,2012, offering Integrative Medicine all under one roof! Come visit our new facility and mention you found us on FB for a 20% discount. We look forward to serving you!
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
Japanese style
Community Acupuncture (Holy Cross College and WPI)
Bio Magnetic Non-Needle Meridian Therapy
Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture
Gua Sha
Ear Candle
Yoga and TaiChi-coming soon!
I have been practicing acupuncture and chinese medicine since 1989 upon graduating from the New England School of Acupuncture (NESA). People are often curious how I chose to be an Acupuncturist. My answer is Acupuncture chose me. Preparing for the MCATS and working at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in a Biomechanics research lab, I had the opportunity to meet a unique woman who was working as a lab administrative assistant. She asked me about my future career plans. I told her I planned to apply to Medical School and practice holistic medicine. I went into detail about my conception of the healthiest way to treat patients. I emphasized that our bodies were built to self heal and that in combining proper nutrients with mind and body exercise we could achieve optimal health. I also stated that my goal would be to minimize the amount of prescription medications and surgeries by replacing it with a healthier treatment regimen, including supplements, herbs, exercise and meditation. She responded, “did you know you will probably get less than a semester of Nutritional Education in Medical School. Have you ever considered Acupuncture School?” I had not and knew very little about it. She described her experience working for one of the few Acupuncturist in MA at the time, a man who became an Acupuncturist after he was successfully treated with Acupuncture and regained the ability to walk. He treated all kinds of conditions and had a thriving practice in Harvard Square. She promised to provide me with additional information the next day. I was very interested in learning more and admittedly, a little skeptical. The next day, was the first day I realized I was going to be an Acupuncturist. While reading the information describing the theory of Chinese Medicine, a feeling came over me. It was a feeling I had never experienced before and difficult to describe. It was an inner knowing that I was to study this ancient art of healing and that in some way the philosophy was innate. I enrolled in the NESA program a month later with overwhelming enthusiasm. During the first week of classes, it came to my attention that I was the only student that had never had an Acupuncture treatment, and so I made my first appointment with Kiiko Matsumoto, Lic. Ac., a famous Japanese Acupuncture professor and practitioner. To this day, I still remember how wonderful I felt after that visit. I also remember how fortunate I was to meet the lab assistant from Brigham, as she introduced me to the most amazing medicine and healing modality. I feel privileged to be a member of this ancient tradition, which has helped heal billions! Professional Associations
Massachusetts Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Board Member 1990-1992
Vice President 1992-1994
President 1994-2000
American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 1990-present
Organized and Chaired Eastern Regional Conference 1992
Awarded State Association President of the Year 1997
Advisory and Consultation Positions:
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. 2010-present - Complementary and Alternative Medicine Academic Interest Group
Lucy’s Love Bus, Foundation for Children with Cancer 2010-present
Holy Cross College- Community Acupuncture Program-present
WPI-Community Acupuncture Program-present
C.A.S.A. Project-Board Member 2007-present
St Vincent’s Hospital Allied Health Profession Committee-Board Member 2001-200
A.I.DS Project Worcester, MA-Tools for Living Well-Grant Recipient 1996
Visiting Nurses Association of Central Mass. (Project Care-HIV Program 1995
YWCA- Member of the Board of Directors Wellness Initiative Committee 1992-1995
Assistantship site for students of New England School of Acupuncture 1995- present
Presented Grand Rounds Lecture on Acupuncture at U.Mass Memorial Medical Center 1998
Provided in office rotations to family Health residents from U.Mass. Medical School 1998-2000
Published Acupuncture Appendix
for book “Cancer As Initiation: Surviving the Fire, Barbara Stone PhD. 1994
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